12/3/07 the f on this key board is having problems so if there are missing fs you know why. ... Speaking of christmas I got the package... and it came in Nov. ... now mom how on earth do you think I wou8ld be able to wait a ull month to open the package... especailly when you wrote on the outside everything that was in it.. I waited as long as possible before I opened it however .... which was 3 days.... but I have a very good ew reasons for opening it. I will not list all though. but #1. We got rebuked @ church for not having our oil on us... so I needed the oil container... Which is very nice by the way. #2. sat. I just had Veg Soup for lunch and then we started fasting.. sunday after church our Dinner appointmet forgot. and we had no food. #3.I cant remember the third reason... but it was a good reason.. hey thanks though it was the best early christmas present every ...
Well today I had a new experience... using the church news as toilet paper... It actually wasnt too bad... I found a article about pornography and I went for it... (you might not want to orward that last little bit to everyone else)
lots o other crazy stuf happened but... I am all tyuped out... sorry... sorry about the cruddy grammer and that darn f bumming out all the time. Have A good week....well only if you want to ... I dont want to order anyone around or anything... so bye then. Elder C