Saturday, May 2, 2009

Headstone complete and placed at gravesite

When the rain let up enough this afternoon we went for a walk and had a pleasant surprise as we approached Bryce's gravesite in the cemetery. His headstone is now in place. Eventhough it is quite simple there are some powerful reminders of Bryce's love of the mountains and a favorite scripture he had on his missionary plaque. We wanted it to stand upright (like Bryce) so that we could see it when there's snow on the ground. We're guessing it was installed yesterday because it was not there Thursday evening when Brooke and Mom strolled by. It was fun to discover it while the sun was shining and to see that someone had already been by leaving some beautiful flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Those mountains on top are really neat...I didn't know they could do that!?!
