Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family Information Sheets

Every year after Christmas, usually on New Year's Day,  our family would fill out Family Information Sheets. This did not seem to be a particularly fun activity for anyone but Mom and there was a lot of complaining through the years.  However, when it was time to plan Bryce's funeral and during the viewing, as his Family Info sheets through the years were passed around, it became a great revealing time of how Bryce thought and what he liked and didn't like.  There hasn't been as much gripping now...mostly because everyone is older and they know that there are good things about recording what we think about.  Here is the last sheet Bryce filled out: 10 Nov. 2008  He had just come home from South Africa.
Favorite Candy Bar:  Cadbury Tempo   Favorite Food:  Mexican   Movie:  Don't Know  Place to Go:  The Canyons   Color:  Blues and greens and browns   Friends:  Willy, Brad, James, Pete, Kell   Family Activity:  Boggle   Hymn:  Be Still My Soul  # 191   Story:  The Never Ending Story    Scripture:  2 Cor. 4: 17-18
Thing to Do:  Snowboard, make sweet music and movies and pictures  Holiday:  Christmas..Duh!  Vacation:  Lake Alice...Duh!   Family Traditions:  Lake Alice   Moment of my Life:  Birth   Sport:  Snowboarding   Season:  End of fall and beginning of winter   Teacher:  Mr. Call...well probably because I knew him the best
Music Group:  Mason Jennings   Game:  Step to ( played while snowboarding)   Restaurant:  One where I don't have to pay    Fast Food Place:  Taco time probably...I haven't had fast food in America in 2 years --in South Africa: Zebro's   Store to Shop in :  Ebay   Web site:  Gmail.com    Picture or painting:  Me kicking Dallin   Three things I feel I do well:  Look good, snowboard, listen to good music.   My motto or words to live by:  Never give up! Never surrender!  Someone I would like to be like and why:  Of course Jesus Christ because I promised I would do my best to be like Him.   What I would like to be doing in five years:  Be married, have a nice job, making sweet moview or something.   If I had $1000 to spend in one day I would:  buy a season pass and new snowboard, if I had not done that yet ( he did buy a new snowboard, a pass, new pants, two new jackets..heavy and light one.....) My  hopes for our family this year:  Everyone but mom and dad, Dallin , Ty and Nat to have either a boyfriend or girlfriend depending on what they are of course...no gays.   Personal goals for this year:  physical--be cut and eat good, snowboard hard and good/ double back flip on snowboard.   Mental:  get good grades   Social:  Get a girlfriend   Spiritual:  Finish Standard works.
The irony of Bryce being gone is that I probably know more about him now than if he were still here.  He wrote, video taped, recorded things that I wonder if I ever would have seen or read if he was here. 

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