Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Mother's Prayer May 3, 2009

An experience with Bryce and Dallin came to me today. In Bryce's missionary journal he has an entry that he highlighted and in a different color of ink wrote as a preface: Mom prays for a miracle. Then he tells how he got my Hulu Nativity set that I love. It's a great story but this experience that I remembered today happened shortly after Dallin got his driver's license. It is not what you see in the photo, which is Dallin watching Bryce do a flip on his board in the back country at Canyons. The time I am remembering happened early one Saturday morning when Bryce had arranged a ride to the Canyons with friends but there was no room for Dallin. Dallin really wanted to go and called everyone he could think of that might want to go snowboarding with him. He finally found a friend and asked if he could take the van. I was not feeling real comfortable as it was snowing and he hadn't driven to the Canyons more than once maybe. He begged and even though I did not have a good feeling about it, let him take my car for the day. So off he went and for the entire day I prayed several times that he would be safe driving to and from the Canyons. It was before any of us had a cell phone. I was so relieved when I saw the van drive past our house just as it was really getting dark. I assumed it was Dallin taking his friend home and was surprised when Dallin and Bryce walked in the door together. I found out later that Dallin had asked his friend to meet at the end of the run at a certain time so they could head out before it got close to closing time. Dallin said he waited and waited and finally 1/2 hour later or more than the time arranged, his friend found him. Bryce was also headed to the car with his friends not knowing that Dallin had come to Canyons. He spotted Dallin far away and started calling to him and got his attention. Bryce told his friends he was going to go home with with his brother and when he caught up to Dallin, he volunteered to do the driving. Bryce was a good driver in the snow and since it was getting dark, Dallin was more than happy to let him drive. I have reflected on the coincidences of this Dallin left later and Bryce actually seeing his brother far away in all the crowd and leaving his friends to drive his brother home. That really isn't something he would normally do. I know a mother's prayer was answered that day. Dallin may have been just fine but I know that Someone wanted me to know that my prayer was heard.

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