President Probst--What have I gained, learned and experienced in the South Africa Cape Town Mission that has blessed my life?--by Elder Bryce Kim Christensen
Well of course there are too many things that I gained, learned and experienced while serving a mission to even write down a fraction of those things so I will attempt to highlight some of the more important things, in no particular order:
The First Presidency message on page 5 states "More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among it's children." I feel that my view of what happiness actually is has become much clearer, those things we do in our life that make a lasting impact and cause others and ourselves to change for the better, bringing peace into our lives and lasting satisfaction, a clear view of what is important. These things bring lasting happiness into our lives, and I know that it is possible because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
I have really come to love my family and have gained an understanding about why families are so important. My mom has a little wall section at home with pictures of the missionaries from our family, and above the pictures the scripture 3 John 1:4
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." As I have been able to see the effect of what the gospel and truth and light does for a family, some of my most favorite experiences have been able to communicate with my family each week and knowing that every single one of them walk in truth, with my little brother leaving for Japan to serve a mission just weeks after I get home, it just is a great feeling.
*I have learned how important it is to develop good habits as soon as possible. I have gained the ability to recognize quicker the temptations and traps that Satan leaves for us, and how to best avoid them. I also have come to see how Satan can destroy the greatest by small means. I have experienced the most difficult days and weeks of my life while serving a mission. I have also never felt the Spirit in more abundance, and have never been more aware of what Heavenly Father wants for me.
*I have learned the importance of a good first impression, and how important quiet dignity is, where ever we are whatever we are doing we are always being watched.
*I more fully came to know that God is there and he answers prayers and I have more fully come to the knowledge of how he does it. I have experienced the sorrow that comes from people I love choosing not to act upon that which they know is true. I have also experienced the joy that comes from seeing peoples lives change as they embrace the gospel.
* I have learned how to manage time and money and how to be self reliant.
*I have learned how to cook some crazy things.
* I have gained a love for many different cultures and a love for the country of South Africa and the saints in this great country.
*I have learned of the importance of teamwork and unity. The list could go on and on, but I truly have gained so much from my experiences serving here in SACTM.
I know that the true Church of Jesus Christ has been restored today by the prophet Joseph Smith, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that we are being led by a prophet of God today President Monson. I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and sent his son Jesus Christ to pay the price for us to return to live with Him again, I know that the Savior lives, and suffered and bled and died for me that I might live again. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.