Tuesday, December 29, 2009
What to put on grave!
Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm Cool
Bryce's Journal Entry on May 1st 2005
This pen is purple but that doesn't mean anything. Well, I'm cool. How are you? I hope your doing good because you should be doing good because you are so cool. Well I think this is a long enough journal how bout you? Of course you do because you are me the end.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Cape Town Blue Daisies
This spring, I saw these Cape Town Blue Daisies and thought of Bryce. I didn't get them but later, they were placed on his headstone in a pot by a friend. I planted them later that summer when they needed more water, in our backyard. They didn't really start to blossom a lot until it turned cold. That was a lot like Bryce--he loved the cold and seemed to thrive while the rest of us would stay in the warmth of our homes.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Baby Blessing Summary 1987
Bryce's grandmother found a letter I had written to her after we blessed Bryce. I think they were on a mission. I don't know if I have a copy of his blessing anywhere so this is a special find and interesting to see in retrospect.
Bryce was reserved for this time for a reason for his family and for the church.
He was blessed with a perfect body, perfect spirit and as each develops they will be blessed and protected from the wickedness and negative influences in the world today.
He was blessed with the light of Christ and to be able to follow that light, to receive and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and to become a righteous warrior in Heavenly Father's army.
By following the Lord, Bryce will be prepared for a specific work that He has in store for him.
He was blessed with the ability to learn quickly from the righteous and good examples of his brothers and sisters and parents.
He was blessed to not accept or be influenced by the poor examples surrounding him.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
One Year Since Bryce Got Home
This is a fun picture because there was someone in it I didn't know until this week. That would be Steven ...the tallest elder in the back row. We had a great time learning more about Bryce from Steven. He just got home from SACTM in August. One of my favorite stories he told was about Bryce and Elder Fanambinantsoa Randrianirinaniarivo. Elder Ronny as we fondly nicknamed him is from Madagascar. He is the cute third missionary from the left over next to Bryce. Bryce was his trainer. Elder Ronny continues to email us each week from South Africa. His English is pretty good! He taught Bryce some French. Bryce would write it like "dairy-ere". Too fun. So Steven told us when Bryce couldn't work out for one reason or another, he would have Elder Ronny sit in a chair and he would get under it and lift them until he got his work out. Now we love Elder Ronny even more. It was so fun to hear all the things that Steven remembers about Bryce. Good things just keep coming. Thanks Steven!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Pulling Strings
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bryce and His Missionary Journal
One thing that Bryce did not like to do was write in his journal. Even when he understood the value of writing, he would make comments in his journal of how much he didn't want to write. The irony was that he was actually a very good writer and made many profound analogies. One of his last emails home talked about finishing his journal and finding out that the other Elders had written 3 and 4 journals in the time he wrote in one. "You would be proud of them mom" was his comment.
I have been typing up the journal to send to Bryce's brother in Japan. He has wanted to know what Bryce was doing when he had been out the same amount of time, etc.
Today I was typing his April 2, 2007 entry. I knew when he began that he had a dream that it would be something revealing. He always wants to dream about snow and snowboarding but this one was different.
2007 April 2 So it is 6:30. I just woke up and I think I may have had a dream with significant meaning.
Hopefully I will remember why as it started with me riding in the back seat of a taxi. Later as we drive along I find myself singing with a terrible squeaky high pitched voice. Then I find myself walking around some houses in a suit with a suitcase or possibly a guitar, singing now in a deep pleasant voice. I am on top of a hill and I can see the ocean. The tide and the waves look big. So I walk down towards the ocean to get a better look. When I get near the bottom the tide is really high and gets me a bit wet so I hurry up the hill to avoid getting wet from the next tide. But the next tide is even higher so I continue to rush up the hill. The next tide even higher and rising at a rapid rate. By this time I am rushing up the hill as fast as I can but the next tide is a monstrous wave and it blasts me high into the air. As I fly into the air and realize my situation, the only thing in my mind is the R.E.M. song “It’s the end of the world” I am completely calm as I prepare to die, and then my dream is over. I later have a dream where I am learning how to surf. It was a strange dream maybe it means nothing, but I felt strongly that I needed to remember it. I think it could possibly have something to do with death obviously or possibly the 2nd Coming. Something to do with being ready perhaps. Then maybe the surfing part is after this life. Who knows. I don’t think I have ever written down a dream before today though. Interesting.
Bryce's journal has made me laugh and cry within minutes of each entry. He writes funny poems, comments about the people of South Africa, says stuff off the wall and then ends with spiritual insights. It is clear that he loves those that he teaches. It is clear that his testimony continues to grow and be strengthened with
each month that passes. He is just beginning to understand the power of goal setting and charts a course of self improvement. ( April 2007).
This is a picture of Mdoda. He is now on a mission for the LDS church. Bryce had just come from hearing General Conference when he had this dream and he was so happy to see Mdoda, Nceba, and Zolanie. Lunga had put in his missionary papers. Bryce was seeing the fruits of his labors and it touched him deeply.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Bryce

Since Bryce has moved on, it has been very comforting to have companion and friends write that they have felt his strength and missionary spirit continue on and have offered prayers that he will teach those they love in heaven that haven't accepted the gospel. Heaven seems nearer when someone you love is there!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
New Title for Bryce....Matchmaker

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Aloha O'e Bryce Kim Christensen Until we meet again (1987-2009)
Aloha O'e
Submitted by Scott Claude, a friend of Bryce
Ha`aheo ka ua i nâ pali
Ke nihi a`ela i ka nahele
E hahai (uhai) ana paha i ka liko
Pua `âhihi lehua o uka
`O ka hali`a aloha i hiki mai
Ke hone a`e nei i
Ku`u manawa
`O `oe nô ka`u ipo aloha
A loko e hana nei
Aloha `oe, aloha `oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace,
A ho`i a`e au
Until we meet again
Maopopo ku`u `ike i ka nani
Nâ pua rose o Maunawili
I laila hia`ia nâ manu
Miki`ala i ka nani o ka lipo
Aloha `oe, aloha `oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace,
A ho`i a`e au
Until we meet again
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thank you Written to Home Teacher

Today our neighbor who happened to be our home teacher before Bryce left on his mission, paid us a visit with an old envelope. Inside was a thank you that I had made at least 4 years ago. Dallin had addressed the envelope and inside Bryce had written thanking our home teacher for helping him with some scout badges. It was signed by Bryce and Dallin.
Bro. _____ my mom wants me to give you this card. I don't know why you would want it, but she is getting really ornery about it so here it is. Thank for helping me with Scouts and taking me flying and boating they were both way fun.
I was impressed that this great home teacher hung on to that thank you and had to laugh when he told me that it was probably one of a kind. He should see some of the doozies I happened to stumble across through the years! Pure Bryce.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Serving others
“To love someone you must serve them, to want to serve someone start by serving them.” Elder Christensen
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Missing Bryce --6 months down

It has been six months since Bryce woke me up in the night and told me he had just gotten an email from BYU saying he had been accepted. BYU had started on Monday and it was now Tues. He was all signed up for UVU and the next morning when he came up was insistent that he go ahead and attend the classes he was enrolled in just for that day. I couldn't figure out why he didn't want to go straight to BYU and get started until later when I realized that he had made arrangements with friends to meet them at UVU and he said to me that morning that he just wanted to go to his classes! So he came up Wednesday morning just in time for family prayer wearing his favorite red jacket from DI that was really a girl's jacket from a club in England. He ran out the door after prayer only to return to give me a hug and his dad a fisted high five. He drove off in the RAV4 that we had just gotten the week before, nervous to start his first day of college. I have reflected often on that morning with the light coming in from the dining room window as we knelt down in a circle. I am grateful that the last remembrances of Bryce are kneeling together in prayer and for my morning hug good bye. I had an 18 year old friend of Bryce's in Africa write me that Bryce would tell how I would wake Bryce up each morning when he was home before his mission for family prayer. Bryce began the tradition of a "stair prayer" as we began to call it because Bryce never made it all the way past the stairs to come up for morning prayers. He would park at the top of the stairs hoping for a few more minutes of shut eye while everyone else gathered near him. I am grateful that when the family was younger, I insisted that they never leave the house without giving their mom a hug good bye. I know Bryce is in a better place but he has sure left a hole in our family, especially at prayer time and in my heart. Love you Bryce.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bryce Leaving His Mark

Kim and I went to The Canyons on Monday. We just wanted to feel closer to Bryce so we went where he loved to go and spent his last days on earth. It was straight up and we didn't make it to "99" but we did feel some healing and closeness as we stood on a peak, looking out over the resort. When we came home and I was sweeping the back patio, I began to make a mental list of places that Bryce left his "mark". The picnic table had cuts where he attempted to skateboard on the top of the table. There on the patio was the epoxy that dripped from his long board that he was building. In the garage was the shape of his long boards cut into the carpet as he was sawing the wood. In the kitchen were the chairs with scratches in the seats from his shoes as he stood on the chairs. The facing on the long cupboards have gaps in the wood where he hung on the doors as he would stare into the shelves looking for food. In our bedroom is the dresser with long cuts made by a nail or pen on the facade made by Bryce when he was bored joined with squiggly lines on the desk in the Den. In his room are his famous painted walls sporting Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, Sherlock Holmes blowing bubbles, Mr. Handy and Anonymous.
These marks that were once a source of frustration and contention between us at times are now a source of comfort and reminders that Bryce truly did live and was full of life and always doing something in our home. Thank heavens for little boys.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Cheese and Jam parable

The Cheese and Jam parable
I was in my first area on mission in Kwa Magxaki when the concept of cheese and jam was first introduced to me. I thought that was crazy—all I needed was cheese, jam would just make things gross. The idea was introduced to me by an African, so I figured it was just an African thing, they eat a lot of crazy things, I wasn’t even going to consider trying this cheese and jam idea.
Then, not too long after this, the concept ofcheese and jam was brought to me again, I was promised that it was good. It was another African who told me about this, I thought surely this is an African thing, I’m just going to stick with my cheese.
And so I remained in the dark, not willing to even try. Then sometime in a new area, the concept of cheese and jam was brought to me once more, this time by an American. So I guess it’s not just an African thing after all. I was assured once again that it really was good and that I just needed to try it. We had all the materials needed, it would be so easy. So this time I was persuaded, I gave in and tried the cheese and jam, and they were right—it was good.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thank you
Monday, May 25, 2009
Bryce's Last Letter to his Mission President in South Africa
President Probst--What have I gained, learned and experienced in the South Africa Cape Town Mission that has blessed my life?--by Elder Bryce Kim Christensen
Well of course there are too many things that I gained, learned and experienced while serving a mission to even write down a fraction of those things so I will attempt to highlight some of the more important things, in no particular order:
The First Presidency message on page 5 states "More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among it's children." I feel that my view of what happiness actually is has become much clearer, those things we do in our life that make a lasting impact and cause others and ourselves to change for the better, bringing peace into our lives and lasting satisfaction, a clear view of what is important. These things bring lasting happiness into our lives, and I know that it is possible because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
I have really come to love my family and have gained an understanding about why families are so important. My mom has a little wall section at home with pictures of the missionaries from our family, and above the pictures the scripture 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." As I have been able to see the effect of what the gospel and truth and light does for a family, some of my most favorite experiences have been able to communicate with my family each week and knowing that every single one of them walk in truth, with my little brother leaving for Japan to serve a mission just weeks after I get home, it just is a great feeling.
*I have learned how important it is to develop good habits as soon as possible. I have gained the ability to recognize quicker the temptations and traps that Satan leaves for us, and how to best avoid them. I also have come to see how Satan can destroy the greatest by small means. I have experienced the most difficult days and weeks of my life while serving a mission. I have also never felt the Spirit in more abundance, and have never been more aware of what Heavenly Father wants for me.
*I have learned the importance of a good first impression, and how important quiet dignity is, where ever we are whatever we are doing we are always being watched.
*I more fully came to know that God is there and he answers prayers and I have more fully come to the knowledge of how he does it. I have experienced the sorrow that comes from people I love choosing not to act upon that which they know is true. I have also experienced the joy that comes from seeing peoples lives change as they embrace the gospel.
* I have learned how to manage time and money and how to be self reliant.
*I have learned how to cook some crazy things.
* I have gained a love for many different cultures and a love for the country of South Africa and the saints in this great country.
*I have learned of the importance of teamwork and unity. The list could go on and on, but I truly have gained so much from my experiences serving here in SACTM.
I know that the true Church of Jesus Christ has been restored today by the prophet Joseph Smith, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that we are being led by a prophet of God today President Monson. I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and sent his son Jesus Christ to pay the price for us to return to live with Him again, I know that the Savior lives, and suffered and bled and died for me that I might live again. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Decorating Bryce--Memorial Day 2009
We walked over to the cemetery today ( Sunday) in between rain storms and enjoyed seeing a little skateboard and a pin wheel.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What is Bryce Doing Now? Things His Mother Read
"...those who labor so diligently in their mortal estate to establish the cause of Zion would not be denied the privilege of looking down upon the results of their own labors from their post mortal estate...they are as deeply interested in our welfare today, if not with great capacity, with far more interest, behind the veil, than they were in the flesh...Sometimes the Lord expands our vision from this point of view and this side of the veil, so that we feel and seem to realize that we can look beyond the thin veil which separates us from that other sphere." President Joseph F. Smith, Conference Report, April 1916, p. 1-8
What do people do in the spirit world?
"Apparently, righteous people in the spirit world are organized just as they are here, arranged in families and quorums. Priesthood operates there as declared: "When the faithful Elder, holding this Priesthood, go into the spirit world they carry with them the same power and Priesthood that they had while in the mortal tabernacle." Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 132 and D&C 124:130. The blessings of the priesthood are thus present in the spirit world. One elder who passed beyond the veil and returned spoke of the order he saw there: "While I was in the spirit world I observed that the people there were busy, and that they were perfectly organized for the work they were doing. It seemed to me a continuation of the work we are doing here---something like going from one stake to another. There was nothing there that seemed particularly strange to me, everything being natural." --Dale Mouritsen, Ensign, Jan. 1977 p. 49
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Frog Named Jiko--Journal Entry from Bryce March 23, 2007
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Bryce's small plates

Bryce Songs
I created a site to host all of his music. You can find it here.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A Mother's Prayer May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Headstone complete and placed at gravesite
When the rain let up enough this afternoon we went for a walk and had a pleasant surprise as we approached Bryce's gravesite in the cemetery. His headstone is now in place. Eventhough it is quite simple there are some powerful reminders of Bryce's love of the mountains and a favorite scripture he had on his missionary plaque. We wanted
Bryce's Surprise 21st Birthday in Langa CapeTown South Africa

This was sent by a companion from Lindon, Utah. Elder Bean will be home next month. They weren't companions very long but had some good experiences together. This is their boarding and the food that was brought to wish Bryce happy birthday in August 2008. His mom was grateful because she didn't get anything sent off...she saved it for when he got home.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
More Comments This Week April 20, 2009

He always astounded me with his absolute discipline and obedience in all that he did , his courage to do what was right when others wouldn't and his dedication to the Lord and His work. I will remember Bryce as an example of true joy and service. I will miss his hair cuts. He cut my hair many times and did a great job!
( To Bryce) You were one of my last three 'sons' on mission and Ii will miss you. See you on the other side, was what I said to you and Ii never got to see you again, now I can say see you on the other side again, and this time I KNOW I will see you again.
Forever touched.
“He was indeed a very humble person, Down to earth, ever had that smiling face. We shall miss him very much. May his soul rest in peace. He had a mission to do in the spirit world. I also wish I was like him; am grateful I met Bryce in this life."
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bryce as a Little Guy
Bryce has adopted the old hat that Mckay used to wear day and night. Several people made comments as we visited the Plant for Thiokol's Family Day yesterday. "Where can I get a hat like that?" When Bryce is awake his energy level is at 100%. He'll bounce around the living room floor as if he was on the trampoline. He isn't very shy and responds excitedly to feedback given to him. Occasionally he goes on hugging sprees hugging everyone in sight whether they are family or not.
3 Sept. 1989 ( From his mother's journal entries)
Bryce is taking all the kids being gone to school at day pretty well. He enjoys not being teased. He did want to be part of the group however and brought his clothes to me on Thursday and stood patiently while I changed him. He then put on his old hat, got his lunch box and stood at the door until I opened it. He went out the door and started down the street towards school. when he saw me following, he hollered, "Go away!". When I kept following him, he hit me with his empty lunch box and yelled again, "Go away". He made it to Cherry Street before he got tired. ( Bryce was 2 years old).
April 14, 1994 (From Bryce's journal)
This Saturday stunk. We went to the mall to get stuff for our trip to Moab for the drive but we didn't. We were supposed to get me a bike helmet but we didn't. We were supposed to go out to eat but we didn't. We were supposed to go to the movie but they left me.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Letters From Around the World
"On the level that I knew Bryce throughout the years, I can say, without a doubt and without hesitation, that his dealings with his fellow men were just. He had a good head on his shoulders and was in no way self-serving. He was easy to relate to and easy to trust. He was always worthy of that trust."
"We are all allotted a portion of time, however long it be, and the precious and critical gift of agency. We purchase experience, growth and knowledge with the time we've been given and are indeed stewards over these crucial earthly blessings. I've come to a more real understanding of these things this past couple of weeks. My prayers are tears that go out to Bryce and his family especially. I can't imagine how tough that would be but I guess, if it's any sort of consolation, compensation or comfort, this event has helped a simple missionary in the ...mission to put things into perspective. My family and my God can be happy to know that for these past 18 months, their son has worked hard, been obedient and striven to improve and learn much, but they can also know that the last quarter of the Lord's mission that I'm here, is going to be EPIC! I'm going to push, pull and struggle my very best in giving my ALL. So in regards to these last 6 months, and in the spirit of Pennywise ( Bro. Hymn Tribute), " Elder Christensen...Bryce, my brother, this one's for you!" Thanks Bryce.
"I Loved Bryce as my own and had an email from him just before he left - he was one of Heavenly Father's choicest sons and his love for the wonderful work he did here was an example to so many. i wish I knew sooner I feel so bad about only contacting you now. we are so lucky to have the gospel in our lives it doesnt ease the pain or make things easier but it gives us the comfort of knowing that we will one day be reunited and that this isnt the end. we will smile again and hug and laugh. There is not much I can say that will help, but I can tell you that your sacrifice in letting us share Bryce for a short time was such a blessing to me .. his sense of humour and love helped me so much and really will always be with me...THANK YOU. "
"Oh and when he was over here in Africa he loved talking about you guys so for a long time I have felt like I had known you. He use to tell us how you( his mom) would wake everyone up and you guys would all go do your family prayers, ...I felt so touched a while back when I spoke to some of the other members and they shared what they loved the most about Bryce while he served here. He truly has touched alot of people down here. I hope to one day be a good of a missionary as he was while he served here. I am still busy with my mission papers and I am really excited to go serve already it fells like everything is taking forever, but I need to be patient I know that the Lord is on my side."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bryce's Last Missionary Daily Planner

Bryce's Missionary Daily Planner: 13 Oct. 2008
Notes/To Do List
Home talk: make sure they hear my testimony
* You grow from doing what you learned from your calling after you're released.
*As long as you can get up and put on your socks you are expected to go to work.
*Make a list of what the Lord is not pleased with.
*Repentance is a good positive thing
*don't go back to how you were
*No longer a child, can't act like a child
*"Remember Lot's wife" Luke if we are constantly looking back it blocks us from moving forward from seeing the wisdom of what the Lord wants for us."
If there's things you wish you had done differently, let go so you can move forward.
*Justification is making things right.
*Sanctification is becoming whole
*Ask is it I? Mosiah 2:36 And now, I say unto you, my brethren, that after ye have known and have been taught all these things, if ye should transgress and go contrary to that which has been spoken, that ye do withdraw yourselves from the Spirit of the Lord, that it may have no place in you to guide you in wisdom's paths that ye may be blessed, prospered, and preserved--
*If you go home and try to live the life you lived before, your life will be miserable.
Only look for girls that are capable of your highest spiritual level.
* If you can marry above you--do it.
*If they are not willing to rise to your level don't deal with them
*Marry someone who makes you want to do better
*Don't do anything you don't plan to do forever--don't be a phony
*Stand when sisters come in
*It's easier for 2 to make it than one
*You usually marry the people you date
*Don't let others push you back to where you started. Always look to improve.
Learn to swallow your pride
*Think first, understand first then you can be understood.
*Don't ever give advice before it's asked for. When they ask for advice, they will appreciate it--when you give advice that is not asked for it is a lecture.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
What He Wrote in Preach My Gospel on the side bar
In Bryce's Preach My Gospel, sometimes he would write insights he had. Here is one that is under The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The reason for Jesus Christ is so we can return to live with our Father in Heaven. When we sin we are spiritually wounded, cut, scraped, bruised and so on. When we repent we are fixed, bandaged up from our sins. Jesus Christ is the Spiritual Doctor. If it were not for him, our wounds would never heal, and we could not progress. Can you imagine every time we got cut we would continue to bleed forever. Every bruise and broken bone would remain. This would be the state of our souls if there were no Jesus Christ. We would get worse and worse until we could not function spiritually. But this is not so. We can be healed of our spiritual wounds as soon as we allow the Saviour to heal them. We can only allow Him to heal us when we truly repent and are converted to the Atonement and it's effects.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Bryce and things he said on mission

What Did He Say?
The MTC is a lot, a lot, a lot of spiritual and brain work. I’m not used to this much thinking, but it’s good.
The juice is amazing and other than juice drinks there is only carbonated drink, yea I don’t care that I can’t spell, I’m still a good person.
It’s awesome being on a mission. You learn more important things than you ever would without a mission, and it’s great.
Being on a mission is good and hard. I street contacted a guy with three thumbs…I kinda tried to avoid the hand shake, but it happened anyways, it was kinda weird.
Yeah, I haven’t really eaten anything too weird, but I have seen a lot of weird things that I could have eaten.
Everyone offers me carbonation and I have to offend them kinda because I can’t drink it, I tried once and almost died.
The other day we met this guy and we were going to shake his hand but it was dirty so he just stuck his wrist out for us to shake…but I wasn’t sure what he was doing so I rubbed wrists with him…It was awkward—he looked at me really funny and I laughed hard about it later.
P.S. I know I have a creepy smile in the MTC picture.
Okay, here are some things that are weird down here. Albinos. I’m sure they are nice people, I almost even got the courage to talk to one, but it’s weird.
Yeah, I am bummed about grandpa…I knew I would never see him again when I left…now I am crying in a smokie internet café and feel…girly…oh well.
Please get after my friends for not writing. .they’re not busy.
Yeah, I don’t give details about how I feel and stuff mom. You know why? Probably because I’m a guy…sorry that is just kind of how it is right now.
I have snowboarding dreams all the time.
It’s hard work being on a mission, but it’s worth it. Being out here on a mission now and thinking about what my life would have been like had I not come, is scary ..all the people I was suppose to teach and all the things I was suppose to learn and grow from would be gone, and I don’t think I would know what to do if I was still at home.
I hope I like him but he seems too competitive, and he has a bad hair cut…we’ll see. I guess it just depends on me. ( His new companion)
We don’t have an iron that works and my shirts aren’t so wrinkle free anymore.
…we got out and my bike had been stolen…they even took my girly helmet with bright pink and blue and yellow stripes…I guess people need to be safe when they steal….so we walked home and ordered pizza—it was nice I haven’t had pizza for a long time.
After we came home and such I made these mini pies and as I was making them and tried one I was thinking about the comparison between pies and people. The crust or outside of the pie is important. It tells a lot about the pie on a first glance. How big the pie is, how fresh it is and how long it’s been out of the oven. We can guess which kind of pie it might be from the shape of the crust and it usually lets a little bit of the inside of the pie seep through. The same is with people. We can see how old someone might be…sometimes even their career. We can even smell them sometimes. People let parts of their insides out by the way they talk or the way they carry themselves as they go about. These things are all very important. But with the pies I made, the crust was really good, but the insides weren’t all that great and I realize that the crust was important but it’s not what makes up the most of the pie. The insides were. So even if the outside wasn’t that great but the inside of the pie was really good, the crust wouldn’t have mattered so much. But it can go the other way as well. If the crust was terrible, even if the insides were great it would have ruined the pie. Just like people, we all know it’s what’s inside that counts. But people will usually never taste the inside if the outside is so horrible that it doesn’t seem worth it to get to the inside.
This week we helped this lady in the ward load up her truck with stuff to take to the dump. It was crazy at the dump. There were hundreds of bums digging through garbage looking for food and hundreds of stray dogs. Bums coming up to you surrounding you and begging you for money. “Please Daniel, please,” that is what some bum was saying to me. It was a crazy experience …I will never forget it…it was unreal.
I’ve given lots of haircuts. It’s cool to see everyone at zone conference and to be like…oh yeah—I cut his hair and his hair and so on.
Sorry that my emails haven’t always been that informative. It’s just that my brain is like a butterfly jar and it’s full of all different kinds of butterflies ( thoughts) and it’s difficult most of the time when I go to the email shop it’s like the butterfly jar has been opened, and there are butterflies flying around everywhere and I can see them, but it’s hard to just focus on one long enough to describe it until it flies away. But when I am at my boarding the environment usually allows all or most of the butterflies to be in the jar with the lid on so I can look at them and describe them. So if my emails ever leave you hanging just know that the butterflies are out of the jar.
Sister Peggy made this huge mac and cheese casserole thing. It was way good and we had tons. Elder Maremela had like twice as much as me and I had enough that I thought I was going to explode and I’ve got a good 50 lbs. on E. Maremela, so I was impressed with his eating skills.
…I ‘m going to work hard because there are a lot of families who need what we have.
Well, I cut my hair today…I have administered over 30 haircuts on mission to people from 5 different countries—that’s pretty cool eh?
…the last few weeks have been the hardest of my life, so I just haven’t felt like writing. Sometimes I just want to get hit by a car or something so I can have a break.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Bryce wakeboarding
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Bryce Sings
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bryce and his board
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Videos of Bryce
Here's a sample of what you'll find...
Bryce telling anyone and everyone that they are, in fact, "codfish." (He liked Peter Pan).
Bryce on his mission with a meercat on his shoulder.
Note: If you have any video clips with Bryce please email them to me and I'll get them posted (tylerchristensen@tyandnat.com). Thanks.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
For Those I Love and Those Who Love Me
I have so many things to see and do.
You must not tie yourself to me with tears.
I gave my love, you can only guess
How much you gave to me in happiness.
I thank you for the love that you have shown,
But now it's time: I travel on alone.
So grieve awhile for me, if grieve you must,
Then let your grief be comforted by trust.
It's only for awhile that we must part,
So bless now, the memories within your heart.
I won't be far away, for life goes on:
So if you need me -- call, and I will come.
Though you can't see me, or touch me, I'll be near
And if you listen with your heart, you'll hear
All my love around you, soft and clear.
And then when you come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile and "Welcome Home".
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Mom's cooking

I was remembering yesterday how just a couple of weeks ago Bryce had told Willy to make sure he let him know the next time I made my Mexican Enchiladas. Well I served a spanish mission and learned how to make what I think, are the very BEST Chicken Enchiladas. I guess Bryce heard from Willy how good they are and he wanted to try them. Well, just a couple weeks ago i made these delicious enchiladas and Willy told Bryce to come over right after church and eat some. Both Bryce and Brad showed up to eat the pan I had saved for them. They both scarfed them down so fast and Bryce told me 2 or 3 times he thought they were really good. Then I asked... "Bryce, aren't they the BEST enchiladas in the whole world!?" he shocked me when he replied, "yeah, they're way good.... almost as good as my mom's." WHAT! "almost?" i answered. Bryce looked at me and smiled, I could tell he was being careful with his words. "they're really good" he said, "but.... my mom makes really good ones too." I sat there for quite some time and tried to force Bryce to tell me they were better than his mom's cooking. Then I tried to get him to say they were equally as good. It was useless. Bryce confirmed that he loved my enchiladas, but they still didn't top his Mom's delicious cooking. I think I'm going to have to try your enchiladas Wynette.
~ Mary Wollenzien
I'm going to miss that funny kid.
Monday, January 19, 2009
From my Ward Primary...out of the mouth of babes
Some days are bright. Some days are gloomy. But when Bryce is around it's all ways bright! Love Alyvia Dietz
Dear Sister Christensen: I'm sorry for what happened to Bryce. But I'm glad he's up with Jesus. Love Wiliam Dietz. P.S. I'm sure that Brad will miss his friend.
I'm sorry about your son! but I know he is doing just fine! Jacee Holt
Hope you can get happy again soon. Sincerely, Carrie YOung
Dear Sister Christensen: I am so sorry about what happened. If we can do anything please call us we would love to help. I leave you with my best wishes. Love: Alexis Johnson
From Kelli Crotts: I feel bad for you.
Dear Mrs. Christensen: I'm so sorry about Bryce and I hope you feel better and I remember that Bryce was a great snowboarder and skate boarder and that he was really, really, cool. He always was really nice to me and that everybody loved him and so did I! Sincerely, Gunner Gordon P.s. You're awesome and I love you.
I'm sorry that your son died. I will think and pray for your family. Sincerely, Torrie Grant
Srooy that happened from Aubrey Hatfield ( big heart drawn with Mourn with the ones who mourn and comfort the ones that need to be comforted.)
I hope you can feel better. Ashlee.
Remember that he is very happy up in heaven with people he knows and loves.
Be Happy. We know where he is. We all love you and him. He is being a missionary there too. By Sydney Tanner
Dear Sister Christensen: I'm glad you are my teacher. I'm sorry and I hope you feel better. Mikaya Broomhead.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Note from Spain--Elder Tanner/ friend from childhood and ward
I love you all very much and hope you have a good week, being grateful for
all the blessings we have in the many forms that they come!!
Love Jordan
Message from Spain ...Elder Beatty and long time friend
Well... I really don't know what to say. I don't think that I can feel that Bryce has passed away. It has been so long since I have seen him that it is unreal. We had a lot of good times together. I will never forget them. He was always a good friend and I will never forget the times we had doing stupid things or riding some type of board.
Tell Wynette that I will come and visit her, just as I did before the mission. Bryce will always have a special place in my heart.
Life is something that is fragile. We have to live it to the fullest everyday. God really has created a sacred plan for us, and he has thought of every single last detail. I know that families can be eternal. That is why we have made the covenants that we have, we can live with each other forever. I'm thankful for mom and dad and for the covenants that they have made so that if anything happens to us we can be together in the eternities. I'm also thankful for my friend's parents, especially Bryce's; they will be together after this life. I know it... without any doubts or reservations. Much can be learned from each experience that we have, we only need to look for it. Along with Bryce's family, I will also be learning from his passing for a very long time.
I'm at a loss of words this week. Know that I love you all very, very much. I hope the best for all of you. Be safe, have fun, you never know when it will be your last.
Love, matthew
p.s. I'm thinking that there might have to be a mandatory snowboarding trip made on the 7th of January every year, I'll pay.
Tribute from Pete Carroll--fellow missionary , dear friend, sounds like Bryce if you listen closely
1. Bryce was good. He was inherently good. He was trusting. He unassumingly expected nothing but goodness from you too. And with me he got it. He brought out goodness in me.
2. Bryce was clean. He had a spiritual purity that I respect. He was also physically clean. I am sure that he exerted a great deal of patience with me when we used to live together. He went out of his way to be clean. This is a facet of God’s character that he understood. He knew that the spirit resides in orderly places. He took better care of his teeth than anyone I have ever known!
3. Bryce was an excellent teacher. He knew the gospel was true and he understood it clearly. He made sure that others knew the same. There was an engaging nature to his teaching. He did not fear saying the clear-cut things that are sometimes skirted around because they are difficult. He taught those things in a great demonstration of being bold without overbearance.
4. Bryce loved purple Gatorade.
5. Bryce loved his family. He loved his roots. He spoke particularly highly of his parents. I never knew another missionary to express respect for great parental influence with such frequency. He recognized the blessing of righteous parents. He was proud of his whole family – and rightly so.
6. Bryce was accommodating. The Lord, who, among other things, allowed him to train many new missionaries, recognized this. He was put in many uncomfortable situations. He bore it. His reaction was never “I give up”. For this he was greatly blessed.
7. Bryce was fun. We cooked together. We snowboarded together. We loved doing missionary work together. We mutually laughed.
8. Bryce was faithful. He was not afraid to follow the council of prophets. I know that he believed in the Plan of Salvation. I know that he knew that the plan is true because of the way he taught it and the way he lived it.
9. Bryce was diligent. He recognized the urgency of the work of the Lord and acted accordingly. I know that he, even now, recognizes that urgency. And I would suspect that, even now, he is acting accordingly.
I love you, Bryce. I am a better person because I knew you. I will miss not having you here in mortality, but I pray that one day I will see you again. Until then, keep well.
A Friend
Thoughts from his misisonary brother Elderdallinchristensen.blogspot.com
It's sort of funny, you mentioned reading through Bryce's journal, and Kira mentioned specifically that Bryce had so much potential that she never quite saw. I guess I got a different perspective from all of the other kids because I lived with Bryce when he was in high school. I definitely saw that potential that Kira talked about. But he definitely down played everything and tried to lay low. But it was amazing after his mission to see that he was starting to really live life to the fullest.
It's amazing how much comfort and peace I have had this week. Especially on Wednesday and Thursday, as soon as the day was over and my missionary duties were done, my thoughts and feelings came over me like a flood. I feel like the Lord allowed everything to be suppressed so that I could do my work, but once the work was done, I got everything rushed at me. So nights are definitely hard because I have time to think. During the day, I am usually so busy that I don't have time to ponder or think too much about anything but missionary work.
Message from companion: Elder Richard Bean
It was tough hearing about my dear companion Bryce Christensen. After faithfully serving a mission and being my companion from July 21st 2008 to September 2nd 2008, he was killed in a car accident near Provo, Utah. I have been thinking what I could say that could express my thoughts and feelings; scriptures came to mind –
D&C 7:2, "…Lord, give unto me power over death, that I may live and bring souls unto thee." He was a very diligent companion – who loved and cared for the people he served.
D&C 202:36, "Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full."
D&C 138:57. He is continuing to do what he does so well.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family – one of great faith. I know he and his funny personality are doing great work in the next life. To tell you a bit of who he was:
-It was his idea to name every piece of furniture in the boarding.
-We also named our swimming pool outside "garth" (we never used it, don't worry) – "Give it to Garth!!!"
-We had a contest to see how many pieces of gum we could chew in our mouth.
-We celebrated his 21st birthday party in the house of Bro. Mbulelo. We played drums, ate cake, and sang songs. 30 people came over and celebrated it with us – all because the sound of the drum.
-He loved small cookies called "buiscuts". We bought many of them (about 2 cents each)
-We taught Sister Nozuko who was baptized about 6 weeks after he left the area. He was a major role in her becoming converted.
-He influenced so many other people he met including me. What a wonderful brother.
Bryce and Fashion
Hi! I'm Kelsey Hall,I was in Bryce's ward in Spanish Fork. Dallin is a really good friend of mine and your dad is my Stake President.
I didn't know Bryce extremely well, mostly because of our age difference. I was a little sophomore in high school when he was a senior. I do remember watching him on the Spanish Fork channel and wondering why on earth his hair was so long ;) He was very good at his video productions and I know that he had a great love for it.
What I will always remember about Bryce though is his interesting taste in clothing. I would always see him around school wearing his cargo shorts, and a t shirt with a sports jacket over the t shirt and carrying a briefcase of some sort. Almost like he was sporting a business man look to go along with his skater look :) I was never really sure why he would do that, I guess it was just Bryce's way of expressing himself.
I also know that Bryce was a great example to his brother Dallin. Dallin looked up to Bryce in a lot of ways and I know he missed him while he was in South Africa. He was also a good example for our ward, we all loved him very much
Monday, January 12, 2009
If I die before I wake, at least in heaven I can skate
I was able to see quite a change in Bryce from before and after his mission. However, it should be noted that even before his mission, though he may have wanted to do crazy stuff and disobey his parents, he never did. Sure he had crazy hair and was a “skater,” but the great potential he had was always very visible to those around him. Let me give you an idea of one of the noticeable changes I did see.
On Friday, I was able to read a few entries from his journal before his mission. I can’t remember the exact wording but it went something like this. “Nothing happened today. No, nothing at all. I am writing in my journal because my mom is making me. If I am reading this, it is because I have no life. So Bryce, if you’re reading this, get up and go do something to make me proud.” This is how the majority of the entries were—doing things because mom was “making me.”
Upon returning from South Africa, I was talking to Bryce in his basement room for a good while about school, dating, snowboarding, girls, living arrangements, skateboarding and dating and girls. I tried to convince Bryce that he should talk to his dad about applying to BYU and live in a student ward to meet new people. He made it very clear that he was going to stay at home that semester, not because it didn’t sound fun or because he didn’t have the money, but because he wanted so badly to be there for his parents. He explained that it would be too hard on them for both he and his little brother (Dallin would be leaving in a few days for the Sapporo, Japan mission) to leave at the same time.
Bryce honored, respected, and looked up to his parents so much. He wanted nothing more than to make them happy and make them proud, and he sure did.
Before visiting with Bryce’s family, I tried to find anything I had that would provide for them another memory of Bryce. I was only able to scrounge up a few minutes of skateboarding footage we had taken a few years earlier. Bryce wanted to make a skate video together at that time and wanted to call it B.R.B. You see, Bryce thought he was so clever because it was a play on words. It would stand for Bryce, Richard, Brian, and also for Be Right Back (meaning we will be right back with another video). I now think of Be Right Back as a reminder that Bryce will only be gone for a short time.
Bryce never did take my advice about moving out (thankfully) but I found through my visit with his family that he did take the advice about talking to his dad and applying to BYU. He was accepted to winter semester on Tuesday morning (the day after winter classes had started).
I hope heaven is a halfpipe. I love you man. You will be missed.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Bryce's life from Sister-in-law Natalie
I didn't get to know Bryce the way I had been hoping and expecting to know him. I just read an entry in his journal from 2003 three that said, "Tyler is getting a wife in September." I was laughing so hard because that was our relationship at the beginning, "the wife of Tyler." He didn't know what to make of this new person. But I remember him at that time being very reserved, then he would suddenly spout out something incredibly funny. I loved him being there.
Tyler and I left Utah for the next two years while he was in High School. I would only see him in passing during our visits. Though I barely knew him I was intrigued at how he lived life. He passed an air of just 'hanging out', yet he worked very hard in areas that interested him: music, snowboarding and video. I anxiously waited to see what profession he chose. I doubted that he would pursue an academically oriented career, but I was sure he was a creative genius that would surprise us all.
We were all excited that he chose to serve a mission and the South Africa mission seemed to be perfect. I guess that had been the first time he had ever gotten on an air plane, but something as adventurous as Africa was fitting. It was exciting to watch him grow on his mission and hear his testimony develop even stronger. I imagined his character taking a major shift as he saw the living conditions of those he taught. Though I hadn't gone on a foreign mission, I had still experienced that and thought Bryce was likely having a similar experience. I saw his feelings for his family grow stronger, I'm guessing as he tried to teach adults to pray, read the scriptures and live the gospel he realized he had learned these skills from very dedicated parents. It makes you humbly aware of how much you have been blessed in life.
Needless to say, Bryce came back a different person. He was still cool, laid back and incredibly funny, but he was different. I had already imagined how well I would get to know Bryce. I talked with my son Eli about Bryce and where he had been serving. I could tell, though it was awkward, Bryce really wanted to know his niece and nephew. And I really wanted him to. Bryce was even trying to get to know me and there is no question in my mind that one day we will know each other quite well.
I am really going to miss you Bryce, I look forward to seeing you and learning about the creative genius you've become. :)
Take care,
love Natalie
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tribute to Bryce by big bro Tyler
What I remember about Bryce.
Bryce has always done his own thing. Once, when he was barely old enough to walk, he went missing for several hours. Mom freaked out and we called the police and all of our friends and everyone started searching the streets. He was found about a mile from our house just kicking it, looking at some horses. I guess we should have paid closer attention when he expressed his desire to see the horses. That was one of many times that Bryce turned up missing because he wanted to see or do something.
Another thing that touched me about Bryce recently was how he interacted with his niece and nephew. Bryce didn't really know how to act around kids and it was pretty obvious. But that didn't stop him from trying. While we were visiting in November he tried wrestling with Eli and awkwardly held Sharon for as long as she could tolerate it. As we've skyped a few times since then Bryce will get behind the webcam and simply hang out. He didn't really know what to say but he wanted his niece and nephew to see who he was and that he cared. I guess Bryce is like that--he's not too flashy but he really cares.
I'm going to miss you Bryce. Love your big bro,