Today our neighbor who happened to be our home teacher before Bryce left on his mission, paid us a visit with an old envelope. Inside was a thank you that I had made at least 4 years ago. Dallin had addressed the envelope and inside Bryce had written thanking our home teacher for helping him with some scout badges. It was signed by Bryce and Dallin.
Bro. _____ my mom wants me to give you this card. I don't know why you would want it, but she is getting really ornery about it so here it is. Thank for helping me with Scouts and taking me flying and boating they were both way fun.
I was impressed that this great home teacher hung on to that thank you and had to laugh when he told me that it was probably one of a kind. He should see some of the doozies I happened to stumble across through the years! Pure Bryce.