Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bryce's Last Missionary Daily Planner

Bryce's Missionary Daily Planner: 13 Oct. 2008
Notes/To Do List
Home talk: make sure they hear my testimony
* You grow from doing what you learned from your calling after you're released.
*As long as you can get up and put on your socks you are expected to go to work.
*Make a list of what the Lord is not pleased with.
*Repentance is a good positive thing
*don't go back to how you were
*No longer a child, can't act like a child
*"Remember Lot's wife" Luke if we are constantly looking back it blocks us from moving forward from seeing the wisdom of what the Lord wants for us."
If there's things you wish you had done differently, let go so you can move forward.
*Justification is making things right.
*Sanctification is becoming whole
*Ask is it I? Mosiah 2:36 And now, I say unto you, my brethren, that after ye have known and have been taught all these things, if ye should transgress and go contrary to that which has been spoken, that ye do withdraw yourselves from the Spirit of the Lord, that it may have no place in you to guide you in wisdom's paths that ye may be blessed, prospered, and preserved--
*If you go home and try to live the life you lived before, your life will be miserable.
Only look for girls that are capable of your highest spiritual level.
* If you can marry above you--do it.
*If they are not willing to rise to your level don't deal with them
*Marry someone who makes you want to do better
*Don't do anything you don't plan to do forever--don't be a phony
*Stand when sisters come in
*It's easier for 2 to make it than one
*You usually marry the people you date
*Don't let others push you back to where you started. Always look to improve.
Learn to swallow your pride
*Think first, understand first then you can be understood.
*Don't ever give advice before it's asked for. When they ask for advice, they will appreciate it--when you give advice that is not asked for it is a lecture.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
What He Wrote in Preach My Gospel on the side bar
In Bryce's Preach My Gospel, sometimes he would write insights he had. Here is one that is under The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The reason for Jesus Christ is so we can return to live with our Father in Heaven. When we sin we are spiritually wounded, cut, scraped, bruised and so on. When we repent we are fixed, bandaged up from our sins. Jesus Christ is the Spiritual Doctor. If it were not for him, our wounds would never heal, and we could not progress. Can you imagine every time we got cut we would continue to bleed forever. Every bruise and broken bone would remain. This would be the state of our souls if there were no Jesus Christ. We would get worse and worse until we could not function spiritually. But this is not so. We can be healed of our spiritual wounds as soon as we allow the Saviour to heal them. We can only allow Him to heal us when we truly repent and are converted to the Atonement and it's effects.
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